Spirit Halloween is allowed to open all over The United States and Canada but many Churches are still not able to hold services indoors. Spirit every year pops up in vacant store fronts in busy strip malls beginning in August. Their costumes are a glorification of grotesque, demonic creatures and provocative costumes targeted at women. Halloween has become the ‘The less is more’ holiday. A motto that is marketed to ‘empower woman.’ True woman should be taught to understand that her body is beautiful and precious and should be treated as such. Not paraded around as an object to be objectified. Spirit is owned by Spencers which is a store that caters to ‘Adults Novelty items’ That should give you a clear idea of what you will find in these stores. These store are not ones to have your young children patron. As parents it is are duty to raise our children to know the evils of the world not take part in them. Saying that, I am by no means outlawing Westerized holiday tradition like trick or treating and holiday parties. Hey I want to be a mail box still . But we need to raise our children with the ideals that places like these are not to be attended. That FOMO for dressing up as devils and impure costumes is something that They should learn to steer away from.
Stores like these are planting the seed, the ideals, that are not Christian. It is our job, now, to teach our children the true meaning of holidays like this. Our FOMO should not be for the loss of a holiday that does not celebrate goodness and God. Our FOMO should be for the loss of the rite to attend Church. We are not meant to fit in, we are meant to be saints!
A metaverse is a community of 3-d digital worlds focused on social connection and it is able to be described as a simulated Web3 virtual environment that makes use of augmented reality (AR), digital fact (VR), and blockchain, along with concepts from social media, to create areas for rich person interaction mimicking the actual international.